est: 3/27/2010 08:23:00 PM
"Thank God for Art."
Beauty isn’t found or experienced as a still thing. It’s moving. People say when they see something beautiful, something profound, that they are moved. Beauty moves, it breathes, it takes you away from your local awareness. It’s an interaction. Un-stagnant. Something that carries you along down this unexpected and graceful pathway. Like it’s holding your hand and you just sort of follow it not knowing where it will lead. That means it’s alive, animate: with life.
I don’t ever want art to be breathless. That’s why it’s our responsibility as artists, no matter what genre, to not settle. Jeka got me thinking about settling versus pushing and how sometimes we can get complacent. In my opinion, especially after we see successes. But we can’t let ourselves. Pushing the bounds within ourselves, within our own spheres of work is only going to help the community evolve as a whole.
A poet, Alice Notley said, ”To be black geese to be strenuous dancers is not to dignify a passion but to grip it” (from When Spring Comes). Over the years I’ve returned to that passage time and time again. Maybe it’s the imagery, I just feel like it’s grabbing my shoulders and shaking me awake. I see that when I watch students learning, when I see my teammates pushing through rehearsals, people in class. Strenuous dancers. And it’s beautiful. It moves me. Thank you God for art. For the things, not just in dance, the things everywhere that take my hand, that grip me, and carry me into their intangible beauty. May I never let go of the ability to be lost in that. May I not let myself grow complacent or fall out of love with the possibilities that flourish, within the best parts of imagination.
It’s late. Good day today. So grateful. Tomorrow holds even more. Night night :)
est: 3/26/2010 10:05:00 PM
muscle memory
dancers use
muscle memory to remember the dances they learn. in practice, we learn and run it over and over and over again until the body
just remembers.
the heart is a muscle. my heart remembers whether i want it to or not. it will shy away from people and situations and it will create boundaries around itself. it will run away, and i will have no idea why. but my heart knows why. my heart just remembers.
est: 3/17/2010 10:15:00 PM
slow and steady wins the race
the difference between you and i...
is the fact that i don't feel the need to force my way into people's lives.
i would rather spend 5 minutes a day for 50 years making someone's life better (even in the slightest way) than try to make myself known.
i don't need credit. i don't need props. i just want to see people happy and that's enough to keep me going. your plan? i'll never understand it.
"slow and steady wins the race" but it's not a race this time. it's happiness.
est: 3/15/2010 11:58:00 PM
you put the "best" into "best friend"
i don't know how many times i've had to explain this...
but i love you.
Not in the, i-love-you-so-much-that-i-want-to-marry-you kinda way... i'm talking about straight up, love. the kind of love that creates no boundaries. the kind of love that can just be with no thinking, no rules, nothing fancy. everything is just so easy and straight forward. its just one day at a time for us. no time limit, not even romance.
i love you, almost like exactly like family.
thank you so much for loving me back, and showing me what it means to sacrifice. you are more than what i deserve.
est: 3/14/2010 12:33:00 AM
love is tough. it beats you down to the very bone. but love in the end... love is what heals you. no matter what form it comes in.
i hate taking breaks when i know i have things to do. but i guess you can't really call it a break for those who don't even want it :( i feel like this sickness is going to slow me down this week. i just hope i feel better by the end of it so i'll be alive for competition... this weak immune system of mine puts me to shame!
i need to dance.
est: 3/07/2010 09:03:00 PM
some of the best changes are the least expected
it's all i think about, all i talk about and all i do. and at the end of the day, regardless of any stress i may have faced...
i will always love what i do.
est: 3/04/2010 10:07:00 PM
oxygen for the heart
my biggest inspiration and influence?
my friends, family, strangers, Praiseteam and everyone else i dance with. they inspire me because they have made me into who i am. they create a realm of familiarity. i'm not saying i like to stay "comfortable". in whatever they say, think or do... they are the reason why i work hard. they are the reason why i love what i'm doing. they have taught me everything i know. they surround me everyday, and what better place is there to find inspiration than everywhere and from everyone? they provide an endless supply of love and support. inspiration is everywhere, no matter where i turn.
so thank you everyone for giving me the fuel to keep me going. i love you all.
especially the one who gave them all to me.