est: 9/15/2010 10:41:00 PM
Some people dream about it, write books about it, profess it or hate it. Some live their lives trying to discover what the truth about it is. But I know exactly what it is.
I know exactly what love is.
est: 9/07/2010 09:35:00 PM
life lesson #40986046984
Sometimes we try to convince ourselves that things will last forever. We make promises and plan for the future, even when we have absolutely no idea what forever means.
We keep holding on to the past as if it will teach us a lesson. We ignore life's changes cuz we don't believe they really changed. We regret making plans that turn out never happening. We try to think that we can predict the future, but when reality kicks in... it kicks us in the ass too.
I've learned that, life won't wait for you. Life has a way of tying you to the end of it's bumper, dragging you along the floor with it.
People change, friendships drift, people move on, new friendships take place... who are we to REALLY say that "we'll be bestfriends forever"? I dont mean to sound like such a bummer.. but I mean, on the plus side, adversity builds character doesn't it?
I know I can't predict exactly what happens in the future... but I believe it'll be better than this.